Saturday, March 9, 2013


There are people who live like meat
such controversial lives, they rot on the inside
deceptively affecting only those who stand too close
and observe too much
maybe they got stuck in the wrong chapters
or never started their own story
but that’s an uncharacteristically optimistic theory.
Days like this I’m consumed by carcasses of old love
when all the right floats out of reach
and the wrong bombards
making my heart shake and my consciousness shiver
and everything you spill is a joke
what’s that about laughing to keep from
I’m so numb that I think this chunky color
sticking to my skinny knuckles is grated beets
but the runoffs too red
and everyone’s crawling out of their comfort
with less than subtle, I don’t know
to ask if I need help
I glance at my reflection and guess
I must look sorry like this, insides turned out
because everybody slips from the weight they’re forced to carry
and sometimes we suffer that kind of grotesque trauma
besides I’m so small
too small to make a bed this big, but somehow I did
just never knew it would feel like this
with all the dirt thrown on, so boxed in.
Death glides across the tragedy of life
the ocean we bathe in, the flavor of inspiration
I’m the magicians assistant being punctured by an amateurs sword
and this punctured organ makes me faint
filling up with blood like a water balloon
doomed to be flung by some overzealous adolescent,
and yes I know those don’t throw anymore
unless their hands are filled with weapons
but aren't we all entitled to some wishful thinking.
I become delirious contemplating the irony of speech
that which is kept silent and all those things rashly spoken
often in the wrong order, usually traded for the wrong words
always for the worst reasons.

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