Be careful what you strive for. We desire things obsessively: Other people, specific persons in the flesh, a unique persona, a sense of self or more likely the sense that others have an appealing sense of your self, individuality, recognition, a place, a path, a connection, a commitment, love, passion, fulfillment, everything right now, before, it's getting late and you're owed happiness aren't you? We seek things out single-mindedly, fiercely, often maniacally! To find upon acquisition that in the prior wanting of what we recently received we were only distracting ourselves from something else- inner silence, emptiness, something like a black hole; largely debated and yet entirely unknown, something divine in it's mystery, something perhaps better left unrevealed. We never really knew what we wanted in the first place. How can an animal that constantly changes and possesses little to no instincts know anything of it's self or it's "soul" and what that intangible thing in question requires? I (doubting even it's existence) will attempt to lay the fate of my worldly satisfactions at Her feet, having no faith in the judgement of my convoluted and far removed mind. Accept the things that come to you without expectations. Look to nature for guidance. See how water is easily manipulated by physical force and yet retains the ability to wear away earth and fire and metal. The ocean with such tranquil sounds breaks against the sand, manipulating and destroying it. It burbles in the creak, calming and quiet until it reaches it's larger brethren. It rages down rivers and furiously razes the land, a sound if listened to without fear could be nothing but breathtakingly beautiful.