Friday, October 9, 2015

I've spent my life being the architect for others
meanwhile the blueprints for my ideal home
collect dust in the corner of a room
that no longer feels like my own
the air grown stale and cold
the windows permanently closed

I build their foundations
strong enough to withstand any insult
I can install elevators if they need to be lifted
put in mirrored ceilings and floors
so that whether they are looking up or down
they can see the wonder that is themselves
and stairs so that I can keep climbing
right into their lives

I never get paid a dime
especially not when they move
and I lose everything
all the work I put in for nothing
the fine tuned custom floor plan
with no bodies to fulfill it
nothing to justify its existence
left for someone else to find

likely they'll call me back in
to tear it all down and begin again.

Friday, September 25, 2015


There is a variation between being loved and being needed
call me greedy, but both are crucial
I'm straight up needy
the kid that has to be picked first
second worst comes to worst
or I'm out of the game
laughing at the people who picked wrong
it's a shame
and you can call me confident or call me crazy
I know my worth
opinions are a dime a dozen
But mine are hundreds on hundreds

it's alright to fail if you can admit your slights
admit defeat
admit that even alpha males can be beat
because I'm not in it to win it
I'm on top of it to stomp on it
the world is mine
like wine
I can even turn sour grapes into a good time
and I love my mind
treat it better than my skin
hydrate it with new things
try to enrich it with experience

but the struggle for females is serious
I don't need chivalry I just want courtesy
they say it's not dead unless I'm a feminist
and then I'm the one killing it
because in order for me to have equality
I can not be feminine and certainly can not expect a gentleman
but bitch that's preposterous
there is a balance called common sense
and that does not exist in a world where a girl could be raped
ten feet from you, in plain view
and the judge would rule she was wanting it
witnesses say she was flaunting it
wearing promiscuous clothes
females calling her a hoe, a slag, a slut
there are new words invented every day
a dictionary of hate intended to demean
to support the flawed divergence
of he vs. she
when the nurses that gave her the rape kit know
he took her virginity.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Ode to Autumn

tempering the year
forever pressed between two lives
an Aster in bloom
confused for something full
and too soon plucked
red faced exile in an unused book
bleeding into the words of dead men
who denied you your due

I was born with the knowledge of you
delivered into the limbo of a seasons ungraceful end
to wait for the beginning of death
not as we all do
but as women waiting for love
sister, mother
I carried you in my blood
heart filtering everything
but the fever of my wild intuition
a knowledge of something more illuminated
than the stained pages of man's sanctity

my small female hands touched the Earth
like a baby, pushing out
at the walls of its mothers womb
never wanting to leave the peace
that comes from finding oneself fit
attached to the world like a vital organ
you and it requiring one another
a fleeting sensation when time insists on turning
wavering like the memory of pain after the fact
which they say, we retain little of
moonlight poured abundantly over sightless eyes
but with the knowledge that it is evening

everything moves
to the ceaseless rhythm of death
the maid dancing knows that she will end
as the crone
withered into nourishment
for the boot heels of next year to press

I caress you still
sister, mother
I am in love
with this
a moment on the wheel
briefly spun into life

the fall
allows us to become whole again
to forever find ourselves beginning.